1. New stock go into the software via the Purchase Inv Form. First press on the following button.

2. Then press on the Purchase Inv button.

3. The following screen will open up. See below for the descriptions on each number on screen shot.

3.1 First Create an Purchase Invoice by pressing on the Create Purchase Inv Button.
3.2 Then fill in the detail.
3.3 Save Purchase Inv Button.
3.4 By pressing on the Items Tab you can manually type in your stock items. See below for more detail.
3.5 By pressing on the Import Stock Items tab you can choose a file to import. See below for more detail.
3.6 After you entered all the stock you need to close the invoice for the stock to be available.

4. At the below screen you can manually enter your stock.


4.1 List here the stock items of the purchase Inv. You must add the stock items via the add stock buttons.
4.2 Press on the Insert new stock Item button to add a blank stock line on top.
4.3 Press on the Insert from stock button to add an existing stock item. So if the Purchase Inv is finished it will add to the existing stock item qty.

5. See below the screen to import stock from a csv file or excel file with same column names. Press here for example csv file.

4.1 Press on the browse button to choose the import file.
4.2 If the file is an excel file you need to choose the sheet.>
NB: Make sure the excel file don't have lots of formatting it can effect the import. Otherwise save the file as a comma delimited csv file.
4.3 Press on the Import Items button to add the stock items to the items tab.

5. Make sure you press on the Close purchase Inv button otherwise the stock wont show.

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